My artistic approach lies at the intersection of the performing arts, the visual arts, installations and music.
Performance artist, pluridisciplinary entrepreneur, she is specialised in directing and project management.
I developed throughout my life and professional experiences a burst of obsessive passions: painting, stage directing, acting, installations, movement, music, photography, color, writing, poetry. All this in English and French. This burst of creative expressions is a real necessity for me in order to succeed in expressing myself.
Ma démarche artistique se situe à l’intersection des arts de la scène, des arts visuels et plastiques et de la musique.
Ma singularité résulte d’un éclatement de passions pour l’art de la scène, la peinture, le dessin, la performance, les installations, le jeu d’acteur, le mouvement, la musique, la mise en scène, la photographie, la lumière, la couleur, l’écriture, la poésie.
Ma formation artistique et mes expériences professionnelles ont suivi de manière très intuitive cet éclatement qui m’est nécessaire pour réussir à m’exprimer.
Les différents sujets que j’aborde partent du réel et d’une recherche documentaire approfondie.
I am one of the artists selected for the Women in Art 2024 Biennial, Brussels. I have also been a guest artist at the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles with her performance “SKRIK”, at the Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles with “La Neue Frau” and at Café Congo Tiers-Lieu Artistique with “Hurrah Keep Art A-LIVE / Houd Kunst LEVEND / Gardez l’Art VIVANT” and with “LONDINIUM Plan of Evacuation / Evacuatie Plan / Plan d’Évacuation”.
I am represented as an author by SACD, I have also been a cultural mediator at the Midis de la Poésie and a curator for the events around the BERLIN exhibition at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels. Passionate about public space and the notion of space, I also create in-situ performance installations and performances in the city. The various subjects I tackle are based on reality and in-depth documentary research.
My performances deal with societal issues such as incest and the durability of artistic workspaces in the city. I am currently developing https://safenow.be/, a platform to raise awareness of paedo-sexual criminality. I have taken part in a number of conferences, most notably at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, L’Université des Femmes and Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles. My projects are supported by the FWB Service Général de la Création Artistique, the Cellule Cohésion sociale de la Commune d’Anderlecht, Café Congo, CIFAS, Worm Rotterdam (NL), Théâtre royal de l’Ancre Charleroi, Théâtre Cinéma Paul Éluard Scène Nationale Conventionnée (FR). She was awarded the Un Futur pour La Culture grant and the CAPT FWB research grant.
Based in Brussels, after having had my studio for 4 years at Café Congo Tiers lieu Artistique in Studio Citygate and I now work in a women’s collective space ‘Au Charbon’.

ARTEOS est l’ASBL que j’ai co-fondée en 2018 et dont j’assure la direction artistique.
ARTEOS is a non-profit organisation with two main aims: to create live installations linking different art forms such as performance art, music, text, movement, sculpture, photography, painting, fashion, documentary research ; and to promote encounters between cultures through international collaborations and multilingual performances and installations.
© Melín Vazquez